Stay in the Loop! Subscribe to Our Mailing List

We send regular emails about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Joining this list is the best way to find out about upcoming events, meetings, ways to be a part of it! You can also explore our recent newsletters.

Share Your Voice! Attend a Meeting or Send an Email

Our families and teachers benefit and thrive on community participation from a broad range of perspectives. What would you like to see in our school and school community? What ideas do you have? What would you like to see? We invite your participation and input! 

You can also always email us at Our meetings are open to all members of the school community. They are held on the school cafeteria or playground, weather permitting, and can also be joined via Zoom. Any amount of time you are able to attend is appreciated!

Explore our Calendar for meeting and events dates and time.

Attending a CPTO meeting is a great way to learn more about what is happening the school, get to know others in the school community, and share your ideas, insights, and talents. The more voices, ideas, and volunteers, the better we can support our school community! Even if you can only come for a few minutes, we’d love to have you!

We always look for times and days that work for a majority. For the past couple of years, this has meant meeting in the morning. Email us at to suggest meeting times that would work well for you.

Explore our Meeting Minutes to see what is being discussed and stay connected. 

Engage on Social Media

Visit our Facebook page to see what we have been up to lately! If you haven’t already, be sure to LIKE us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram.